Filling in the blanks

I’ve been gone a while. A lot has changed in that time. There have been so many changes – I have: moved house… a few times, stood up to an abusive (now ex) housemate; battled real estates and took one (plus the ex housemate) to tribunal; realised the true strength of some friendships; found love; moved in love; persevered through our time at a house that ultimately should never have been put up for rent to begin with; and am currently in a happy transition with work and moving house once more – this time to one that we’ll share indefinitely. There’s always a dash of family drama at play and I’m hoping to share more on that in a later post.

There have been so many lessons learned in this period. About personal power, overcoming fear, asserting my own needs, standing my ground (without needing to turn to anger), and meeting my needs before turning to others; and that some people really will change their minds about you (negatively) when they find out you’re gay.

I have learned that even a change from one good thing to another holds its own grief. And that some things need to be let go more than once. I have also learned to look at people as they are than as I believe them to be. And also to hope others would do the same for me.

There’s a lot to say and plenty to share. I look forward to finding moments to share it with you.

In the meantime – wherever you are and whoever you be – stay you. Be kind to yourself.

With love from my crooked curve of the world.

Annie Jay

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A salty love affair

I danced with my shadow  While Caressed by the breeze Burbled with the brook  The waves lapped at my knees Crossed paths with a stranger Saw pippis burrow in to the sand I stood by the water and remembered I Am. And as I shake out the granules glittering my clothes, I thank the universe […]

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